Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wyne Besen, ex-gay forces

I read about ex-gay activities regularly and Wayne Besen has one of the better articles on the recent APA meeting that I've seen at It amazes me that the ex-gay forces still can pretend that they have a pretense of legitimacy. There have been physical and psychological studies that indicate time after time that homosexuals are equally healthy as heterosexuals. That change happens only with detriment to the one trying to change and many are harmed even though the change of orientation doesn't ahppen. The people who claim to be ex-gay don't do clear, replicable studies and there scientific papers indicate many flaws in the design and execution of their own attempts.

From my perspective as a religious person there is nothing intrinsically moral about being heterosexual nor is there anything intrinsically immoral about being homosexual. It is one's actions that show morality rather than one's sexual orientation. That opinion about morality is certainly debatable. The scientific evidence isn't. Study after study shows the same thing. Morality can ask the question of 'what to do with that study?' and 'what we should make of the evidence?' But denying the evidence is fruitless and shows a disbelief in the one we call our Way, our Truth and our Life.

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