Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Christmas letter

This went out with cards and presents to my family and friends this year and now to you whom I haven't met.

A Christmas Letter

This is to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I’ve continued to work at themotel as the front desk manager. This isn’t without it’s challenges as I’m consistently hiring people for their first or second job and introducing them to the pleasures of getting to work on time and becoming professionals. I am so thankful for parents who looked me up and down to see if I was dressed appropriately before going out to look for a job.

I am still looking for a job in the church. I do find it frustrating to get so far and then have the conversation go silent when I mention my sexual orientation. While some have suggested that I shouldn’t let the congregations I’m talking with know that I’m gay, I believe it is important for all of us to be aware of possible conflicts. That I am chaste and faithful seems to be beside the point for many of the places with whom I’ve had conversation. I do see myself as continuing in ministry if only by providing an example of a homosexual that is different from so much of the media exploitation of the more vivid examples of homosexuality.

I have started up my very own blog this year at This is providing a wonderful outlet for the sermons and meditations that I’ve continued writing even though I am without a pulpit. I have enjoyed returning to the discipline of regular writing that I missed since I’ve been without the pulpit. While I’ve continued with regular reading of scripture, it is also good to return to thinking and writing down my thoughts and observations. I try to post something there daily.

Again best wishes for Christmas and through the New Year.

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