Saturday, December 30, 2006

Maybe I'm right

In a recent post I expressed my frustration over an employee and some training. This morning I began to suspect that I don't need to doubt my perceptions.

I was on the phone when the aforementioned employee came in. The employee asked a question right after saying 'hello' and I waved her off. I continued working with the customer and heard another question from behind me and I waved the employee off again. I was saying goodby when I heard one more question. I hung up the phone and said, in a sharp tone, "Please don't ask me questions while I'm on the phone. You did this three times. Wait until I'm finished." And then I heard, "but I only asked one question."

So now I am beginning to think that this employee is not only not hearing what I say, but also blind to what they're doing. And if I have to terminate this employee I wonder if I'll hear, "but what did I do wrong?"

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