Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pinochet's death

I think we should find things to celebrate in the life of every person who has died. But about the most I can say on the death of Pinochet is that I won't be travelling to dance on his grave. But only because that is more trouble than it is worth.


Peterson Toscano said...

Back in 1995 I took a business trip to Chile to try to purchase some shortwave and equipment from the Chilean government (through some organized crime folks although that was all unsaid).

I stood in a warehouse high in a mountain pass viewing these eight transmitters all pointed to the Soviet world of Cold War days with the hopes of disseminating anti-communist propaganda. The project was funded by the US and specifically the CIA.

Later in Santiago, Pinochett in one of three identical black Mercedes, passed me as I stood on the street. I thought to myself, Pinochett did awful things, but he was enabled to do so by my country.

(Subsequently the transmiters were purchased by my employer at the time and now are used to broadcast Christian propaganda to the unbelievers in the former Soviet countries, Cuba and China,)

Victor's child said...

Yes, we in the USA were/are complicit because of our support. I look at Saddam Hussein and the support we once gave his regime. It is not enough to say that 'they' are bad, we have to ask, 'and what did we do'

Victor's Child