Friday, September 22, 2006


Christians are some of the best people coming into my motel and some of the worst. The best are polite and make sure that they are treating the service people correctly. But some of the worst are on 'mission trips' and seem to think that everything should be there. It doesn't matter that my web site and all the places I can put it have that some of our rooms aren't supposed to have a rollaway. They want the rollaway and at no extra charge since they are on a mission trip. To thank my housekeepers for good service they try to save their sould by presenting them with a tract instead of a tip - and they have no idea whether the housekeeper is active in a congregation or not nor do they realize that the pamphlet isn't in the primary language of the housekeeper (and I've seen spanish pamphlets given to english speakers and english pamphlets to spanish speakers). There are some who call themselves Christian who seem to believe that if they are on a mission trip the others they meet should bear the 'missionaries' cross as well as their own. "I've followed so someone else will pick up my cross for me" is the attitude I experience. Instead of following the example of bearing the roman soldiers burden an extra mile that is taught in scripture, they want someone to bear their burden a mile or more.

Yes, there are some great Christian examples of people doing mission and I welcome them. But it may be wise to ask what sort of Christian example am I setting. Some of the examples by people who call themselves Christian are less than pretty.

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