Sunday, September 03, 2006

What's really important?

Mark 7

[1] Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had
come from Jerusalem gathered around him, [2] they noticed
that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands,
that is, without washing them.

What's really important? Jesus says it isn't worrying about things like work on the Sabbath. Well ... not work on the Sabbath as defined by the Pharisees and much of Mosaic Law and commentary. The one who at one point says that not a jot or tittle ( the dot over the 'i' or the crossing of the 't') will be changed in the law shows a radically different interpretation of what keeping the Sabbath means.

The authority of Jesus took us back to the roots and, by example, call us to go back to the root intentions. Or we should be the church reformed, always reforming (ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda) as the motto of the PCUSA. Our history as presbyeterians is a constant seeking to do what God wants, to return to our roots in scripture. But just as we disagree over the english meaning of our motto, so we disagree over what those roots actually are and what does it mean to return to our roots.

Returning to our roots, returning to what God desires for us, isn't always easy. But it is fun along the way.

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